Young And The Restless Scoop May 8: Lily, Nate And Devon Turn Against Mamie – Tucker Introduces Himself To Alan

Young And The Restless: Lily and Nate tell Mamie she's causing problems

Young And The Restless: Lily and Nate tell Mamie she's causing problems

The Young And The Restless (Y&R) scoop for Wednesday, May 8 reveals Mamie Johnson (Veronica Redd) will be disgusted with her family.

Also coming up, Lily Winters (Christel Khalil), Devon Winters (Bryton James) and Nate Hastings (Sean Dominic) will agree. Plus Tucker McCall (Trevor St. John) will introduce himself to Ashley Abbott’s (Eileen Davidson) new friend. And Audra Charles (Zuleyka Silver) will ask Nate if he has a thing for her.

Y&R spoilers tease Tucker will ask Abby Newman (Melissa Ordway) if her mother’s doing any better. “Better than what?” Abby will reply. He’ll ask if she’s seen her lately. But Abby will tell him he’s pretty entitled to ask her something like that. “I think you may want to check in on her more regularly,” Tucker will reply.

Y&R Daily Scoop – Ashley Encourages Alan To Stay In Town

At the Jazz Club, Nate and Audra will meet for a drink. Nate will say he hopes she wasn’t foolish enough to accept Tucker’s marriage proposal. Audra will smile and ask if he has a secret infatuation with her. “Hypothetically speaking, would it matter to you if I told you there was?” he’ll reply.

Y&R Scoop: Ashley's alter Belle flirts with Alan

She’ll smile coyly and admit say she did turn down the proposal, because she feels marriage is an archaic institution. Then Nate will get a text. “You need to take those blinders off, Tucker will break your heart,” he’ll say before he leaves. “I know you deserve better, I hope you know it too.”

Meanwhile, Alan Laurent (Christopher Cousins) will call Ashley and say he’s leaving for Europe in the afternoon. But he’s got a couple of hours free and ask if she’d like to spend some time together before he goes. “A couple hours to psychoanalyze me, isn’t that what you really mean?” she’ll reply tersely.

But then the voices in her head will return and she’ll ask Alan to hold on. Belle will take over and tell Alan she’d love to see him. When she arrives at the GCAC, she’ll apologize for her behavior and blame her family. Then Tucker will arrive and watch Ashley flirting with Alan.

He’ll walk over and introduce himself. When Tucker learns Alan’s a psychologist he’ll say his timing couldn’t be better. Audra will approach, make small talk and then leave with Tucker. Afterwards, Alan will ask Ashley if she’s got any lingering feelings for her ex-husband.

“Tucker is where he belongs, with who he belongs,” she’ll tell Alan, touching his hand. “So am I.” She’ll ask him if he could change his plans and stay in Genoa City. And Alan will say he knows a colleague who could fill in for him at his conference, so he’ll agree to stick around.

Young And The Restless Scoop – Devon Doesn’t Agree With Mamie

At Chancellor-Winters, Mamie will tell Lily she hopes they’ll be able to make peace, because the stakes are so high. And Lily will say of course they can. But she’ll add that she has to pass on the meeting Mamie called. “No, you must be here,” she’ll reply.

Y&R Scoop: Devon gives Mamie the side-eye

Then Abby, Devon and Nate will arrive. And when Lily asks where Billy Abbott (Jason Thompson) is, Mamie will say he wasn’t invited. She’ll begin by saying there’s been a splintering in the family. She believes it’s Billy and Jill Abbott (Jess Walton) who’ve caused it and she’s going to fix it.

“If there’s any tension, I think it’s coming from you,” Nate will say. “You hate Jill and I think, by extension, you hate Billy.” Lily will say she agrees. “The truth is, Jill probably wouldn’t have brought Billy on board, if you hadn’t created so much dissension.”

Lily will also say she believes Mamie wants a war, which could bring the whole company crashing down on them. But Mamie will turn to Devon. “You know I’m right, don’t you?” she’ll ask. “We’re all gonna be the better for it if we figure out a way to get Jill and Billy out for good.”

However, Devon will tell Mamie they had some issues with Jill and Billy but didn’t have these problems before she showed up. “I’m heartbroken,” she’ll reply. “What I see are three overly entitled wannabe adults.” Mamie will add she’s appalled by their cowardice. “This is betrayal and I’m never going to forget it. I am angry, hurt beyond words.”

Finally, Mamie will remind Devon, Lily and Nate that she still has a big stake in Chancellor-Winters. “So, whether you like it or not, you’ll be seeing more of me.”

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